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Ground transportation

Truck Car Park
Boxes in a Truck

We are specialists in ground transportation, we move your cargo to and from any part of the Mexican Republic, the United States and Canada, with the best rates and personalized service to assist you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Transportation for the import and export of your merchandise

We also have dedicated transportation

Types of Cargo Trucks


Rabón (1 axis)

Capacity: 8 tons / Measurements: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40 m

Ideal for: Removals / Parcels / Dry cargo


Closed Box of 53 Feet

Capacity: 25 tons / Measurements: 15.90 x 2.50 x 2.50 m

Ideal for: Dry cargo


Full/Double Semi Trailer

Capacity: 50 ton / Measures: 15.90 x 2.50 x 2.50 m each

Ideal for: Dry cargo


Platform 45 Feet

Capacity: 25 tons / Measurements: 13.50 x 2.50 x 2.50 m

Ideal for: heavy bulk material / containers


Low Boy / Low Bed

Capacity: 45 tons / Measurements: 12 x 3.50 x 3.20 m

Ideal for: Machinery or heavy products


Torton (2 eje)

Capacity: 17 tons / Measurements: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40 m

Ideal for: Removals / Parcels / Dry cargo


48 Foot Closed Box

Capacity: 25 tons / Measurements: 14.50 x 2.50 x 2.50 m

Ideal for: Dry cargo


Refrigerated load

Capacity: 15 tons / Measurements: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40 m

Ideal for: Previous products / products with sensitivity to temperatures


Autotank / Pipe

Capacity: 25,000 and 35,000 liters

Ideal for: liquids / gases / chemicals and petrochemicals



Capacity: 11.5 tons

Ideal for: Bulk cargo / Construction material

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We transport your cargo from, to and within Mexico

We provide solutions to YOUR needs, if your business is within the United States, we have special routes for your merchandise.

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We have specific standards to move any type of merchandise such as dangerous, textile, automotive, machinery, fuel, tequila and more.

Let's cross borders together!

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Quote your freight

Always a yes, to all your logistics operations

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Tel. 81 2322 8403


Tel. 81 3902 6495

Daniel Zambrano 516 Col. Chepevera

Monterrey, NL CP 64030

Rights reserved for HYSA

Forwarders S.A. of C.V.

Logística internacional, Importaciones mexicanas, Logística de exportación en México, Agente aduanal en México, Agente logístico, Envíos transfronterizos, Transporte de carga México, Cadena de suministro global, Cumplimiento comercial, Gestión de importación-exportación, Servicios de transporte de carga, Despacho aduanero en México, Soluciones de cadena de suministro, Consultoría de comercio internacional, Envíos y manipulación México, Corretaje aduanero, Logística de carga, Red de comercio global, Regulaciones aduaneras mexicanas, Servicios de comercio exterior, Infraestructura logística, Documentación de envío, Procedimientos aduaneros México, Coordinación de exportación-importación, Gestión de carga

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