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Trucking, customer and 3PL: how to build a healthy relationship between the three?

Foto del escritor: Luar Estudio CreativoLuar Estudio Creativo

The needs of the client are the core point to build a healthy relationship with suppliers and carriers.

New technologies in motor transport

Regarding the technological innovations that appear almost every day in the transport sector, he argued that the solutions closest to the company should be sought, so that it contributes to creating efficiency and is not simply a fad.

In this regard, Álvarez highlighted that technology is helping to overcome the various current challenges of the motor transport sector.

“It goes beyond having operators and that they are well trained. We must add value to transportation activities, be an executor of logistics plans”, he highlighted.

He affirmed that carriers "are the inventory on the way, the beginning or end of the production line, or even the shelf in transit."

Needs of customers and suppliers

For González, it is essential to build a solid relationship with transportation providers and make a precise evaluation to define who to work with. That also includes the customer.

“Today, being an excellent transport provider is no longer enough”, he affirmed, at the same time that the optics must be refined to identify the needs of clients and suppliers.

Meanwhile, for Aderman the key word is profitability.

He emphasized the importance of aligning all the processes mentioned by his fellow panel members, including issues such as logistics, productivity, etc.

Professionalization of motor transport

Of course, operator training is another of the topics that dominated the talk.

“The operator is the one who is in the portfolio every day. So we have to be very, very clear that it is an element to take much more care of. That is why many companies are looking for the specialization of the sector. They have even begun to create communities and synergies between competitors to achieve this”, Schleske remarked.

But it is not only about professionalizing the operator, but also the employer.

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